H. Lee Barnes Life Is a Country Western Song
Tiffany Cates M-theory
Chloe N. Clark Patterns of Orbit
Guy Clifton Dempsey in Nevada
Andrew Colarusso Souvenirs
Jerri Conrad Our Arizona: Baby Animals
Our Nevada: Baby Animals
Brian Crane Pickles Tails: The Hijinks of Muffin and Roscoe, Volume One
Pickles Tails: The Hijinks of Muffin and Roscoe, Volume Two
Grandpa, Will You Tell Me a Story?
25 Years of Pickles
How Come I Always Get Blamed for the Things I Do?
Oh, Sure! Blame It On the Dog!
Joe Crowley Sleuth on the Goose
Hats Off to the Cap
Deanne Davidson Pershing County: 100 Years
Allison Pitinii Davis Line Study of a Motel Clerk
Dicus The King’s Highway
Jesse DeLong The Amateur Scientist’s Notebook
Jean Moore Earl Basque Aspen Art of the Sierra Nevada
Phillip I Earl Basque Aspen Art of the Sierra Nevada
Alexus Erin Cartoon Logic, Cartoon Violence
Catherine Gammon The Gunman and The Carnival
Patricia Ferraro Klos Pershing County: 100 Years
Karen An-hwei Lee Souvenirs
Alexa Lindauer Am I Even a Bee?
Joan Maki Undercurrents
Michael Martone Plain Air: Sketches from Winesburg, Indiana
Felicity Muth Am I Even a Bee?
Dorene O’Brien What It Might Feel Like to Hope
Russell Persson The Way of Florida
Dani Putney Mix-Mix
Lynda Quilici Pershing County: 100 Years
Colin Rafferty Execute the Office
Varun Ravindran Betweenness
Paula Robison Pip Pip Toodle Doo
Ben Rogers The Flamer
Bernard Schopen Calamity Jane
The Last Centurion
The Dying Time
Sophie Sheppard The Moon’s Tear: A Desert Night’s Dream
Abraham Smith Insomniac Sentinel
Roger Arthur Smith Echoes
Lisa Sobiek Pip Pip Toodle Doo
D.C. Swanson The Book Cook
Theodocia Swecker Ducks Ducks
Jane Tors Pershing County: 100 Years
Ryan Walsh Reckonings
William Wilborn All She Wrote
Anthologies / Other This Side of the Divide: Stories of the American West
This Side of the Divide: New Lore of the American West
Nevada Grown: A Year in Local Food